Sunday, March 24, 2013

Boomerang Two-Step Soft Touch Waiter's Corkscrew - Black

Get the best deal for Boomerang Two-Step Soft Touch Waiter's Corkscrew - Black is now available. This cool product is now on sale, you could buy it right now for only $0.00 and often ships within 24 hours.

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Buy Boomerang Two-Step Soft Touch Waiter's Corkscrew - Black top item. Top deals is presented for you on Two-Step Soft Touch at Lowest prices. Search for best deals.

Product Description

The first step extracts the cork partially. The second lever pulls the rest of the cork straight out. Spring-loaded floating axis at the boot lever. Extendable foil cutter. Black. 5-1/8; long, 1-7/16; high. Imprint area: 2; x 5/16;


User Opinions

Best wine key ever.

I've got a half dozen different wine openers, including $100 lever openers, and various two step corkscrews... this is the best there is. The foil cutter is better than many standalone foil cutters that cost more than this wine opener. It's a two step corkscrew, but the lever has to be pushed inward (push the base of the lever inward towards the worm) in order for the first step to reach the bottle, this is by design, and it works VERY well, but it took me a few tries to figure out so I thought I'd mention it.

great bartender tool
Jason Price

I am a Bartender at a very upscale resort in Sedona Az. This corksrew enables me to open bottles of wine faster than anyone else in the resort. also open up the two stage and beer bottles are a sinch. This is my second one i burned up the first in about 9 months.

love the design

I love that the foil cutter is integrated into the opener. I only have to have one product to open my bottles of wine.

Rating: 5 7 reviews

Key: Two-Step Soft Touch, Boomerang Soft Touch

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