Sunday, June 2, 2013

Wooden Handle Bell Corkscrew

Get the best deal for Wooden Handle Bell Corkscrew is now alive. This awesome item is currently available, you can buy it right now for only $11.07 and often ships in 24 hours.

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Purchase Wooden Handle Bell Corkscrew top product. Best deal available for you on Wooden Handle Corkscrew at Best prices. Get for best prices.

Product Info

The embrace old world traditions with this notable antiquity. Simple,efficient and legendary. Features a wooden handle this is easy-to-grip for handle and walker bell to keep the worm anchored within the cork.

Factor Benefits

  • Dimensions: 3 1/2" x 5 1/2"
  • Easy-to-grip handle

User Reviews

AD, Inc.

The first time used, the wooden handle came off. THE FIRST TIME! I think I paid $14.95 for it - it's not worth 2 cents. Piece-a-junk. Probably made in China.

Best simple cork screw ever!
Melody Smith

I bought this as a replacement for another just like it that I lost. I'd buy it again ten times over!

total failure

The very first time used, the handle twisted off. Poorly designed. I thought I was buying one in which the bell would slide down the shaft as the old type did, and it does not. Would not consider buying another one of the same brand.

Rating: 2 4 reviews

Key: Wooden Handle Bell, Wooden Handle Corkscrew, Handle Bell Corkscrew

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