Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Pocket Spinhandle Corkscrew -Black

Best offer for Pocket Spinhandle Corkscrew -Black is now alive. This best item is now available, you can purchase it this moment for just $0.00 and usually delivered within 24 hours.

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Buy Pocket Spinhandle Corkscrew -Black best deal. Best deal available for you on Pocket Corkscrew -Black at Lowest prices. Get for best deals.

Product Description

The design of this corkscrew adds a little bit of ease compared to the standard twist style corkscrew. Instead of using the leverage of just the palm of your hand now use your whole hand and arm. The spinhandle design works by placing the corkscrew over the cork and simply spinning the handle around the top of the bottle bringing the cork up and out. Size: 6'L


  • Easy to use compared to the twist style corkscrew

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Lookup: Pocket Corkscrew -Black, Pocket Spinhandle Corkscrew

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