Best deal for Barbuzzo Beer Hammer is now alive. This cool item is now available, you can buy it this moment for just $9.99 and often delivered within a day.
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Product Description
Drinking beer whilst operating heavy tools and machinery probably isn't the best idea, but if you're ever doing some DIY and fancy a cold one, rest assured you won't be left thirsty with the Friday afternoon hammer. The fully functional hammer can be used for sorting out those nails. Flip it over and the other end has been converted into a bottle opener.
- Perfect for any beer swigging, DIY enthusiasts
- Fully functional hammer with nail claw converted into a bottle opener
- Hammer-head can double as an ice crusher
- Rubberized hand grip for safe, secure bottle opening
- Never drink alcoholic beverages while doing any form of construction work
User Opinions
Fred T. Belcher Jr.
This is a quality made (as far as I can tell) little hammer (not heavy or bulky) that is great for small jobs around the house/apartment. And, it is actually a bottle opener as well! I recommend it.
N. Custer
It is quite a bit smaller than a standard sized hammer, but it was a gift for my hubby and he absolutely LOVES it!
This hammer is not only fun, but also functional! I bought this as a birthday gift for my brother. I included bottles of beer with the gift. It was a great conversation piece at the party. It seems pretty well built also.
Rating: 4.7 10 reviews
Lookup: Beer Hammer, Barbuzzo Beer
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